Year 2009…… A year dedicated towards the mission to achieve the vision. We’re planning to dedicate the year 2009 to two core development concepts under Human Capital Management. Firstly, dedicate the year to create real managers and secondly, establish clear and strong performance culture in MN Rahman Limited.
We’ll not compromise with anything to achieve these targets. The assignment is to crate real performer, real manager who takes ownership of their responsibilities and thinks out of the box and of themselves as CEOs of their assignments and just deliver the result instead of asking 200 questions about how to do it.
We also plan to create a strategy on integrate and balance the equation of identification and eradication of non-performers quickly, identifying strong performers and creating room for sud1 talents on take more responsibilities and cost enhancement of quality resources. To run across the line, HR strategies for 2009 are to implement: Completely Performance Based Culture through BSC 8′: other systematized measurement tools Specific, Need Based 8: Fully Customized Training Identification and eradication of non-performers, Identification of strong performers and creating room for sud1 talents no take more responsibilities are HR’s challenge in the year 2009. One of the other main criteria to grow is to develop successors. This is applicable to everyone at every level.
Other challenges are recruiting quality resources through effective measuring tools, structuring effective training for enhancing the managerial ability for being a global standard manager. Modern business competition is concentrated in delivering quality customer service. With a view to introduce a sophisticated customer care, to make our people think beyond our customer demand, HR will conduct Image mapping of our service. HR department believes our peoples are the main assets @ MNRC, the activities, the services they will be providing can reach to the global standard only through concentrating on them.